Saturday, 27 May 2017



my little shop will be open again from next week  - usual hours: 1.00pm - 5.00pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

The first week or so will be a bit wacky, as the builders will be completing the renovations, but after that things will be back to normal (or what passes for normal 'round here).


This has been a longer struggle than I would have thought, and it's not at all down to me. It took us about two weeks to clean up after the flood, nasty work, but was then able to re-open my shop just as before (albeit with a  compromised decor...) for the best part of three weeks. I then had too re-close because my landlord had building insurance, and that had all kinds of stupid modern caveats attached: asbestos underlay; potential mould and damp in the partition walls; dodgy wiring that has worked for decades, but doesn't meet current standards. Renovations have to be made to meet current regulations.

The builders have been great - they have tried to keep me up to date, and give me reasonable schedules for the completion of the work, but they too are at the mercy of the tradesman they employ. The flooring guys, for example, were not only working on my rooms, but also the Worker's Club, the AZA Motel, and several other jobs.

I understand...the whole TOWN is still being renovated!

I'll be semi-normal next week, and back to full normal the week after. Yay!

I've been working through the backlog of repairs at home, so If you have a guitar currently booked in with me, there is a more-than-good chance that I have worked on it, and it is ready to bee collected. I will call or email as many of you as I can but, if you don't hear from me, please call or email and I will get back to you, or reply to your message, as soon as I can.


I've said that a few times recently..

Almost back the way it was. Please keep in touch.
