Hey Everyone,
more-or-less back to "normal" now. I've caught up big-time with the long-term repairs and restorations (although not quite "finished"), so I'm very much open to taking in the regular work again. Pretty-well back to the usual one-week turnaround on smaller jobs, such as set-ups and similar fixes.
Shop is open as usual. Yay.
Having said that, there will be a few random days when I have to take Lisa to various doctor's appointments - these specialist appointments are like gold, and sometimes become available with just a day's notice. So if you turn up to the shop and there is a "sorry" note on the window then that's the reason. Apologies in advance...
Lisa's illness also means that as well as having to care for her I also have to spend more time on domestic chores, so some of the longer jobs - the ones I have to do in a number of stages over a period of time - may take a bit longer than usual.
But we are edging our way to the way it was pre-covid, pre-illness, and pre-flood. Yay again.
My "Shop" page hasn't been up-dated for ages,but that is about to change! I will be up-dating it over the next week or so, and there will be LOTS of interesting things there for sale.
I've decided to sell off some of my personal collection. And, if you know me, you will know that it is all very good stuff.
I know that I WILL regret letting some of it go - but that's how it is. Lisa's ongoing illness, and her continuing inability to work, means that we have to consider ways to supplement my guitar-repair income. I'm always pretty busy, but Lisa's work as a medical secretary always paid as many bills as my job did! So some of my "superannuation" is now for sale.
So. If you are interested please have a look at the shop page. It will be a few days before the first up-dates appear, but after that I'll try to update it regularly.
Meanwhile, keep well and hope to see you soon!