Hey everyone,
well there you go. After five months my shop now has electricity, telephone, and a new alarm and security system. Phew. Which means that very soon I will be properly back open. Double phew...
Over the next couple of weeks I will be moving stuff back into the shop - the tools, the parts, guitar-repairs to be collected, guitars for sale, as well as all of the posters and pictures and bits and pieces of paraphernalia that made the current stark bare rooms previously a bit of a cool place to visit.
More importantly, I will be able to clear the workshop at home and be able to do again do all repairs at the usual rate, rather than having to shift guitar cases and boxes of stuff every time I start a new job. It also means that I will be able to begin to catch up on the huge backlog of major repairs, including a lot of flood-damaged stuff.
There is a huge backlog, so it will take some time to get back up to speed with that.
But at least it would seem that we have emerged from the tunnel!
I am still going to have to book new work in at a slightly slower rate than normal, but over the next few months I should be able to bring the turnaround times for regular work back into the usual one-week window. The longer-term jobs will take longer...
Thank you all for riding this whole thing out with me.
And best wishes to you all as ever. I am more than sure that some of you who read this have been through way more pain than I have.