Tuesday, 29 June 2021

 Hi there my friends,

I have to close the shop for a while to deal with a very serious illness to one of my immediate family.

I will continue to do repairs between hospital visits, and may even be quicker without the banter and serious conversations that make up much of my "shop" time!

If you have an instrument already booked in with me, it will be finished according to what we discussed, but the time-frame may be a little longer.

Please contact me either via email or the shop 'phone. My replies may take a little longer than usual. Actually, they will take a lot longer than usual (mainly because Telstra has, for some reason, disconnected my "remote" connection to my message bank).

If, as I truly hope, the medical situation improves then I will be able to gradually re-open the shop for a limited time each week so that you can collect completed repairs.

I must apologise to those of you who were expecting to collect their completed repairs this week, but I assure you that this illness was unexpected and very concerning and, that no matter how much I consider your guitar and their repairs to be of absolute prime value to you and my business, the medical situation that my family has be-fallen takes priority.



Wednesday, 2 June 2021

 Hi Everyone,

back to "normal" now - the shop is back open usual hours (1.00pm - 5.00pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)

My month hiding away and catching up on the big jobs worked out well. Only the refinishing work didn't quite get completed (still a bit too humid to be confident spraying clear lacquer over sunbursts and tinted solid colours such as cherry). But we're close.

Still finding some parts supplies (especially binding materials for some reason) to be tricky, but generally things are back where they once were.

To anyone that was inconvenienced by my shop being closed for a few weeks - thanks for your patience. And to be honest, I wouldn't have gotten your guitars fixed during that time anyway.

So. I'm back to "regular" busy rather than "silly" busy.

And taking new work in as usual.
